Spotlight on Pineapple
End of winter gets tastier as pineapple comes into season. Originally from South America, and so named because it’s similar shape and spikes to a pinecone, but a fruit like an apple, pineapples contain a bevy of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Uniquely, pineapple is also great raw and cooked.
Eating a 1 cup serving of pineapple provides over 100% of daily Vitamin C, has a high amount of the mineral manganese, and a good amount of fiber. Small studies have suggested pineapple provides excellent support to the immune system, and it’s high vitamin C content may be one reason. The bromelain content of pineapple may be another reason. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple which exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. While much more research is needed, it shows possible benefits for people with osteoarthritis along with many other therapeutic benefits.
Pick up a fresh pineapple, buy some frozen, or canned. Try adding cut up pineapple to yogurt or oatmeal at breakfast, slicing and grilling pineapple along with fish for dinner, or having a cup of frozen pineapple as a snack. If you wonder how to tactfully cut up the unruly looking pineapple, watch this video from Healthline to gain some pineapple cutting skills.