Is Aquablation therapy right for you?
Aquablation therapy is a different kind of surgical procedure. There are three reasons it may be right for you, but make sure to discuss with our surgeons or to see if you’re a candidate.
Low Rates of Irreversible Complications
Aquablation therapy has a very low rates of irreversible complications (incontinence, ejaculatory dysfunction, erectile dysfunction) because:
- It is the only procedure that gives surgeons the ability to view the entire prostate so they can create a map that avoids the parts of the prostate that cause irreversible complications.
- It is the only procedure that uses a heat-free waterjet to remove prostate tissue. Technologies that use heat to remove prostate tissue may be damaging to the parts of the prostate that control erectile function and ejaculatory function. It should be noted that some surgeons may choose to use a minimal amount of cautery following an Aquablation procedure if it is required to control bleeding.
Confidence in Procedure
Aquablation therapy removes prostate tissue with a robotically-controlled waterjet. This robotic technology minimizes human error and ensures the prostate tissue is removed precisely, consistently, and predictably.
Long-Term Relief
In clinical studies, Aquablation therapy has been shown to provide durable symptom relief.
Take the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) Quiz to measure how severe your symptoms are.
Take the Sexual Function Quiz to help you determine if maintaining sexual function after BPH surgery is important to you.
men with BPH wished their doctors would have discussed Aquablation therapy with them
men with BPH would have considered Aquablation therapy if their doctor had told them about it